


Rosa Nogués Freixas was born in Reus in 1983. Studied jewellery in Escola Massana and pharmacy in Universitat de Barcelona.
Her pieces have been selected and exhibit in Fachhochschule Idar-Oberstein (Germany), Inhorgenta (Munich), Gallery Marzee (Deutschland), Alliages (France), Italy, Beijing, Colombia, Andorra, Barcelona, Mallorca and in WCC-BF’s gallery of Mons (Belgique) where she won the “Young Talent Price WCC-Bf”.



2010-2016 Graduated in Pharmacy. University of Barcelona.
2012 Guest student in University of Applied Science Trier, Jewellery and Stonework Design in Idar- Oberstein (Germany)
2010-2013 Member of the group “joyas sensacionales” Taller Perill, Barcelona
2008-2009 Rantapaja, South Carelia Polytechnic, Jewellery and Stonework Design in Lappeenranta (Finland)
2007-2009 Department of Artistic Jewellery, Escola Massana, Final project tutor professor Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Barcelona (Spain)
2002-2004 First cycle of pharmacy. University of Barcelona.


2009 Workshop computer modeling jewelry. Rhinojewel. Techjewel. Barcelona.
2008 Workshop with Carles Codina and Hans Leicht; project directed by Josep Carles Pérez in Serraduy (Spain)
November 2008 Workshop with David Clarke in Lappeenranta (Finland)


2015: Winner of the Public Poll of “Gioielli in Fermento 2015, Premio Torre Fornello V edizione” (Italy)
2013: Finalist of “The International Jewelry Design Competition”, Córdova (Spain)
2009 Winner of “European Prize for Applied Arts”, “Young Talent Prize WCC-BF”, Mons (Belgium)



“Gioielli in Fermento Master Collection”, Joya Barcelona (Spain)
“Ceramic Event VIII”, Brussels (Belgium)
“Identitats, Joia i Art”, Aram espai de joies, Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
“Tresors”, Galeria Context, Sant Cugat del Vallès (Spain)
“A flor de pell”, 66mistral gallery – contemporary jewelry, Barcelona (Spain)
“La porta dels somnis”, Margarida Aldabó, Lleida (Spain)

“Sinergia”, Mar de Color Rosa, Girona (Spain)
“Tresors”, Galería Paola Pérez, Bogotá (Colombia)
“Joya: la inspiración en el pasado”, Museo de la Evolución Humana, Burgos (Spain)
“Gioielli in Fermento, Premio Torre Fornello VI edizione” (Italy)

“Omnia Vanitas”, WCC-BF, Mons (Belgium)
“European Prize for Applied Arts”, Mons, Anciens Abattoirs (Belgium)
“Transmission” Studio 411 Galerie, Montpellier (France)
“Gioielli in Fermento, Premio Torre Fornello V edizione” (Italy)

“FiloRosso” Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada’s Shop, Madrid (Spain)

“The International Competition of Jewelry Design”, Córdoba (Spain)
“La Cour des Miracles” Alliages, (France)
“Violet” Steinbeisser collaboration at Lloyd’s Hotel, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
“Mariposa, Papallona, Butterfly” at Museum of Natural Sciences of Granollers (Spain)
“Beijing International Jewelry Art Biennial” at The China Millenium Monument, Beijing (China)
Galería “Siesta”, Barcelona (Spain)
“Sincrònic”, Associació de Ceramistes de Catalunya, Barcelona
“El deseo”, La mirada expandida, Barcelona (Spain)
ArAm espai de joies, Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
Schwäbisch Gemünd Alkie Osterland (Germany)
Crafthaus online exhibition (USA)
“A qué jugamos”, La mirada expandida, Barcelona (Spain)
“ConSpiración”, Instituto Cervantes, Munich (Germany )

“Barcelona, Barcelona” Villa Bengel, Idar-Oberstein (Germany)
Crafthaus online exhibition (USA)
“lo olvidado”, d-terra, Sant Cugat del Vallès (Spain)
“lo efímero y lo duradero”, ArteArtesanía, Sóller (Mallorca)
“lo efímero y lo duradero”, València (Spain)
“galeria siesta”, Barcelona (Spain)
“lalabeyou Galery”, Madrid (Spain)

“Talente 2011” at the IHM Messe, Munich (Germany)
“The masculine and femenie”, Valencia (Spain)
“The poethic” Gallery dTerra, Sant Cugat (Spain)

“The ephimeral and the durable”, Taller Perill. Siesta, Barcelona (Spain)
“Eunique”, Karlsruhe (Germany)
“the lost –the found”, Taller Perill. Tresors de la barca, Girona (Spain)
“Off Massana”, Poble espanyol, Barcelona (Spain)
“the light-the heavy”, Taller Perill. Soller (Mallorca)
Steinbeisser, Hamburg (Germany)
“Linea de Salida”, Amaranto joies, Barcelona (Spain)
“Off Massana”, Escola Massana, Barcelona (Spain)
“the banal- the deep”, Taller Perill. La mà de la mar, Andorra

“European Prize for Applied Arts”, Mons (Belgium)
“So near- so faraway ”, Taller Perill. Barcelona (Spain)
“International Graduation Show”, Galerie Marzée, Nijmenegen (Netherlands)
“The Inhorgenta Europe Fair 09”, Munich (Germany)
“Exchange 2”, University of Applied Sciences in Idar-Oberstein, Fachhochschule Trier (Germany)

“Annual Student Show of the Department of Artistic Jewellery”, Escola Massana, Barcelona (Spain)



“NW la revista de Reus”, Nr 36, March 2015
Diseño de joyeria contemporanea, ILUS BOOKS SL
Jewel Book 12/13 Stichting kunstboek editions
“Art Aurea”, booklet number 4, winter 2012
“Talente 2011” (exhibition catalogue). IHM Messe, Munich (Germany)
“Eu-unique arts&crafts” (exhibition catalogue). EUNIQUE 2010 International Fair for Applied Arts & Design in Karlsruhe and the World Crafts Concil- Belgium (DE)
Magazine “Oficio y Arte” Nr. 108 January 2010 issue (Spain)
Magazine “Oficio y Arte” Nr 107, november 2009 issue (Spain)
“European Prize for Applied Arts 2009” (exhibition catalogue) World Crafts Council – Belgium, Francophone Community (Belgium)
Galerie Marzee, “International Graduation Show”, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Catalogue num. 69
Baltic Jewellery News magazine, may 2009: “Being Small, but Global”, by Antonio Altarriba, Finland



2017 Escola d’Art i Disseny de Tarragona
2016 Escola Massana, Barcelona
2012 “En camí” Escola Massana, Barcelona



Web design: Reyko Matsumura

Photo credits: Carles Fargas fotògraf